All work is in Limited Edition of 5


Bridging The Years
"Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!"


The Sun Traveler
"What is man without the beasts If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man"
Wounded Knee
“I do not know. Our ways are different from your ways. The sight of your cities pains the eyes of the red man. But perhaps it is because the red man is a savage and does not understand.” 
“The white man does not understand our ways. One portion of land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. The earth is not his brother, but his enemy, and when he has conquered it, he moves on."


"Everything the power does, it does in a circle"


“Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That the earth is our mother? What befalls the earth befalls all the sons of the earth. This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth.”


Red Road
"When the green hills are covered with talking wires and the wolves no longer sing, what good will the money you paid for our land be then."


Video Presentation of "Flying Dust - First Nation" :


Nation News article link:


RCI First Nations article link :